You can also replace the icons to various homebrew apps with that of your own. You can even rename dark homebrew launcher to just homebrew_launcher and replace your original homebrew launcher elf file. There's a Dark Homebrew Launcher which has a black background and buttons. Now you can test by clicking on things in Homebrew Launcher. Place the button_click.mp3 file into the resources folder On your SD card, browse to wiiu/apps/homebrew_launcher/resources/ mp3 file this time, a short 1 second sound effect Replacing the click sound in Homebrew Launcher This sould be ready to go, now you can test it out by simply booting into Homebrew Launcher. Place your bgMusic.ogg file in the resources folder Now on your SD card browse to wiiu/apps/homebrew_launcher/ You can convert mp3 to ogg if you have to. Who wouldn't want to jam out to their favorite song! If you're fine with the default music, then this isn't for you. It's been possible for the longest time to customize Homebrew Launcher with your very own music and sound effects, just nobody seems to realize it! This isn't anything groundbreaking but it's a nice touch if you ever get tired of the default music and want to use your own song. Related Nintendo Subreddits: Wii Hacks 3DS Hacks Nintendo 3DS Wii U Wii Plailect & FlimFlam69's Complete Guide – everything you need to know to get a CFW installed It will help us immensely dealing with them. Please report posts that you think break rules, especially 4th. No redundant, lower quality versions of already existing guides/tutorials.Unimportant new releases have a 48 hour cooldown period.

Posts relating to the same general topic have a five day cooldown period.No unspecific, noob or support questions keep those in the stickied Q&A thread.Sharing/naming/asking questions about tools whose primary purpose is aiding copyright violations, including backup installers/launchers.Openly admitting to copyright violations or promoting them.Sharing encryption keys to copyrighted material.Illegitimate copies and other copyright violations are not permitted. Using flairs on posts is highly recommended, too. Hello and welcome to /r/WiiUHacks! Before you start posting here, please read the rules below and the sticky Q&A thread.ĭon't abuse the userflairs.